About Jo Sawkins
Advanced Lighting Process Practitioner, Health & Wellbeing Coach, Stress management Trainer, NLP Master Practitioner, Hypnotherapist and ADHD Coach.

I started this work in January 2015, when I passed my first professional qualifications.
I absolutely love my job and take great pride in the fact that I assist people to become healthier and have more fulfilling lives. I’d like to share with you my experiences that led me here.
Before I started my own wellbeing practice, I enjoyed an exciting 16 year career in the airlines, in a variety of different roles mostly based at Gatwick. This enabled me to travel extensively which I loved, I found the work itself very appealing and I met some wonderful people, including my husband. Life was good!
Then in 2003, following a very stressful situation, I became unwell. An unrelenting fatigue descended upon me overnight, accompanied by a host of other unpleasant and debilitating symptoms, including headaches, brain fog, and total exhaustion.
I was told by the doctor that it wasn’t stress or chronic fatigue, and although I was given a lot of medication over the next couple of years, none of it was helpful. Without a diagnosis, I was not allowed time off sick from my job, so I struggled into work for a long time, usually only to fall asleep on my desk.
The downward spiral continued. I was terrified that I would never get well, as I developed more and more symptoms. My health was affecting every area of my life, and inevitably I lost my job.
A new GP eventually diagnosed Chronic Fatigue, and I was devastated to be told there was “no cure for chronic fatigue syndrome”, but I was determined to find one!
After not finding any pharmaceutical solutions I turned to holistic therapies, and some of these helped me feel a bit better for a while, although the fatigue and symptoms used to come back. This went on for about 10 years. I was desperately searching for a way to get well, regain my energy, health and life, then at last I found … the Lightning Process! Yay!
The Lightning Process
What is the Lightning Process? Go to my Lightning Process page for more info.
I heard that many people had done the Lightning Process for chronic fatigue, and some other conditions, and they had got well. I knew I had to do it too!
So, long story short, I managed to recover from chronic fatigue with the Lightning Process, getting my energy back within a few days and my ability to think clearly was improving quickly too. Within a couple of weeks I was living a full and active life! I started to do all the school runs and grocery shopping along with domestic chores. (I still avoid hoovering, to my husband’s disappointment, although at least I’m capable of it).
I joined a skating club and started planning my future; it was such a joy to be able to do normal things!
Eight months after I did the Lightning Process to get well, I began training for professional qualifications at the Phil Parker Training Institute in London, where I studied for the next 4 years. I wanted to go back to work, but I needed a new career. I was training to become a Health and Wellbeing Practitioner. My aims were:
- To provide coaching / therapy services to help people overcome issues and challenges.
- To provide the Lightning Process to help people overcome chronic conditions.
- To design and run my own Stress Management workshop.
Life is good, again!
I now provide these services for personal clients, and businesses to help their staff stay well physically and mentally, to reduce staff sickness related absence, to retain staff who would have lost their job through illness. To provide the service and solutions that were not available for me back in the days when I needed it myself.
This I feel very passionate about, and knowing that I help people overcome and avoid debilitating illness brings me the ultimate job satisfaction.
I am eternally grateful to the Lightning Process designer Dr Phil Parker and his highly skilled team, (especially my Lightning Process Practitioner Linda Morgan, for giving me the skills to transform my health and life in her stunning practice Swallows Retreat, in Henfield, Sussex), and I am proud to now be part of that team myself!
I’m continuing to study the science behind the techniques that I use, partly because I have to as part my CPD (Continuing Professional Development), and partly because I find it really fascinating and I love to know how things work! I’ve also undertaken training with former scientist Dr David Hamilton PhD, who left his career in the pharmaceutical industry to become a lecturer and best-selling author promoting the mind-body connection for health and wellbeing.
In my time off I love to have family days out in London or Brighton with my husband and daughters. I enjoy keeping fit, foreign languages (especially Italian), and 80s music. Life is good, again!
NLP Practitioner + Life Coach (January 2015)
Clinical Diploma in NLP + Coaching (May 2015)
Advanced Certificate in NLP, Coaching + Clinical Hypnotherapy (October 2015)
Master Practitioner in NLP (January 2017)
Lightning Process Practitioner (September 2017)
Advanced Lightning Process Practitioner (July 2022)
ADHD Awareness Diploma (January 2024)
I’m also a member of the British Institute of Hypnotherapy and NLP, I’m fully insured and I hold a current enhanced DBS check. I am registered with the ICO for Data Protection.